How to book cheap train tickets from London to Edinburgh?

Train tickets are not always available at the cheapest rate. The prices can increase for numerous reasons. Sometimes train tickets become even more pricey than flight tickets. But there are several ways to acquire a discount on the tickets of trains from London to Edinburgh – Rail Online portals in the UK provide their customers with the cheapest form of tickets.

If you want to book inexpensive tickets for your next trip, you must read this entire article to snap up the cheapest fares. Let’s check out the important tips to save your money by purchasing cheap train tickets.

  • Get a railcard: A railcard is very handy to save money even from the very first use of it. This card will provide a rail discount of 1/3 on eligible trips for an entire year. There are different kinds of railcards available, such as the 16-25 railcard for students, the 26-30 railcard for adults, the senior railcard for 60 or above-aged people, two-together railcards, the disabled person railcard, and so on. These cards are valid for one year. So, it is a great way to reduce your train ticket fares.
  • Travel in the off-season: Try to travel in the off-season to get low-priced train tickets. You will notice that train ticket fares take a peek at weekends and during busy hours. Before 9 AM and after 5 PM the rail ticket costs are higher than usual. Online ticket booking portals will inform you about the peak times, so make sure you avoid them to save money and overcrowding while buying rail tickets. But, if you need to travel during rush hours, do not forget to reserve a seat at the booking time. So that you do not have to stand for a long time.
  • Book the tickets in advance: The greatest time to book a train ticket is 10-12 weeks before the trip. Even a difference of a week can make a huge contrast in the ticket price. Buying a ticket just a day before your trip can cost a high price, but the same train ticket can save up to 80% if you book them a few weeks ago. Also, an advance train ticket booking can help you to organize your journey properly.
  • Split up your train tickets: If you have to make a long journey that travels through some major rail stations, you must check the cost of booking each part of the trip separately. It might come out cheaper even though the same route, so always reconsider booking a single train ticket directly to your destination.


You just need to do a little research to cut off your ticket booking expenses. Or you can buy your train tickets from online portals that offer discounts on rail ticket bookings. Also, you must compare the prices of the train tickets on different rail ticket-buying web portals. It is often noticed that different sites have different fares for the same trip, so make sure you have checked a few websites. To receive an inexpensive train ticket to travel from London to Edinburgh, you should follow all the above-mentioned tips.