Why You Should Deal With A Dental Emergency Immediately

Dental emergencies can be painful and create a lot of discomfort for anyone. Dental emergencies are unexpected but when they happen, they prevent the normal operations of the mouth. They make it impossible to communicate or even consume any foodstuff. You should have a reliable dentist on your speed dial to avoid any time wastage during a dental emergency 

While there are possible ways to reduce the pain experienced in these emergencies, it is important to make sure they are taken care of by a certified dentist to avoid further damages. This article, provided by DentalX Dental Clinic, explains the reasons why you should deal with a dental emergency immediately; whether personally or with a family member.

Types of Dental Emergencies

Before looking at the reasons why you should deal with a dental emergency immediately, here are some common types of dental emergencies you may experience. For your information, anything that is not under routine check-up (consultation, cleaning, x-ray, or treatment) is an emergency. These include;

  • Lost tooth – Whether through sports or in a fight, the feeling of losing a tooth or even worse several of them, makes it a priority as a dental emergency.
  • Lost filling – this can be a result of chewing a sticky substance, causing the top part of the tooth to come off. This seems like a minor issue but it can cause overwhelming discomfort.
  • Bleeding – Causes of bleeding can include; severely biting your lip or tongue, and sometimes gum might be the culprit. You should seek the attention of your emergency dentist as soon as possible.
  • Stuck objects – although it might occur less often, an object can get stuck in your tooth or between several teeth. Chewing a bone or any random object can lead to them sticking, which can cause a lot of unnecessary pain.
  • Cracked or chipped teeth – a cracked tooth is where your tooth has a breakage but remains intact. Whereas a chipped tooth involves a part of the tooth breaking off.
  • Dislocated jaw – a dislocated or broken jaw is very uncomfortable and can rarely be controlled unless with the attention of an emergency dentist.

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Why You Should Deal with Dental Emergencies Immediately

Reduce the Pain

Pain is the most uncomfortable thing caused by dental emergencies. Whether it is a lost or broken tooth, dealing with the pain should be an emergency dentist’s priority. You should always make the necessary arrangements to ensure you reach the dentist in ample time for proper measures to be taken to relieve the pain.

Stop Excessive Bleeding

Similar to reducing pain, immediately addressing dental emergencies can control bleeding. Your mouth has soft tissues that receive lots of blood from the heart and any openings can mean excessive loss of blood. Since there isn’t much you can do to stop such bleeding at home, you may be putting your life at risk if you fail to seek immediate dental attention.

Prevent Infections 

Resolving dental emergencies promptly reduces the risk of infections. Leaving the injured part of your mouth unattended exposes it to bacteria that can cause serious infections. This is also possible if you receive amateur first aid in unhygienic conditions. Visiting a dentist as soon as possible is the best way to resolve your dental emergency while preventing infection.

Increase Treatment’s Effectiveness 

The earlier your dental emergency is taken care of by a professional dentist, the better. Say you broke a tooth and salvaged the crown, it has to be put back before an hour passes to prevent any infection. Similarly, a broken jaw will require immediate attention from the dentist to correct it before you have to undergo unnecessary specialized treatment.

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Tips to Consider While in a Dental Emergency

While it is advisable to seek help from a qualified dentist, we will provide tips to help contain the emergency before getting to a dentist: 

  • If you’ve lost a tooth, you could reinsert it back into its position without touching the root of the tooth.
  • Avoid chewing with the side where a tooth is cracked or chipped to prevent getting food stuck and feeling more pain.
  • Place ice on the area that has a swelling either caused by a jaw break or a lost tooth. This prevents the face from swelling more and reduces the pain.
  • You can replace a lost filling with a new one from your nearest chemist.

While it is impossible to prevent an emergency, you can reduce the chances of dental accidents by using protective mouth guards for sports.